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What is a Fog Screen?



Two Finnish virtual reality researchers invented the fog screen. It is an innovative technology that allows the projection of high-quality images in the air. Science fiction movies inspired fog screens such as Star Wars. The screen allows you to project images and videos on dry fog and it creates an illusion that the images are floating in the air. They initially named the fog screen like a wave, which means a walk-through virtual environment. It has the capability of walk-through as well. You can project the images or videos on a thin layer of dry fog. To use the device properly, you need to use color management. It is not as easier as it seems to use the screen since the screen is transparent.


How it works

Using water and ultrasonic waves, they made fog within the device. They pumped tap water into the fog tank. It immediately turns into a thick fog made of tiny water particles. The tank comprises 3 sets of fans which create an extremely thin wall of mist about half of an inch thick. They fixed the fans in such a way that one set of fans blows the fog downwards while the other two sandwiches the fog between air curtains. That’s how a projection screen is made. Images will be projected on it after the screen is formed. It was fascinating to say that it was possible to create an image that could float in the air and that people could walkthrough. Using different media such as dust, water, fog, and a mist of tiny water drops, they tried to make an image float in the air. Researchers ensure people would not get wet while standing under a fog screen even for a long period. We can project different images on both sides of the screen using two projectors.



There are certain limitations to fog screens. They cannot use it in daylight and work best indoors with a dark background as it enhances the brightness of the image on the fog screen behind the projector. It is very much expensive, but the fog screen is working on providing it at a reasonable price. It has to be released in a specialized market as it is unlikely to be used in houses. It needs 1 KW of energy to produce a 1m long fog screen and you can’t make a big fog screen because it would diffuse with distance.



The fog screen is environmentally friendly because it uses water and fog which do not comprise any harmful chemicals. It increases the quality of products and reduces competition as well. Enhancements are being made for three-dimensional good imaging capabilities. They have already started working on hardware products with specialized capabilities of the screen. Because of the unique features of the fog screen, customers would really enjoy it. 



Fog can appear and disappear within a fraction of a second, so we can use it in a live theatre setting, which can help with special effects. It might replace the existing method of projection since it is now in demand in many countries.

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